Thursday, December 17, 2015

Oral IV Hydration Review

Hydration should be a part of your run/race plans.  If you don’t properly hydrate, it can lead to a decrease in performance as well as an increase in time it takes for you to recover from a workout or run. 

This is especially true in the summer when dehydration can occur more easily.  When you sweat, your blood volume decreases, which leads to less blood being pumped to your heart.  This in turn reduces the amount of oxygen rich blood that is pumped back out to your muscles.  That is why you will run at a slower pace when you are dehydrated.  Also, in the heat, your body sends more of your blood to the surface of your skin to help remove heat.  You will have to work a lot harder to maintain the same level of exercise.  So why should you take in electrolytes?

Electrolytes drinks usually are made up of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and artificial sweeteners.  There are theories that electrolyte drinks can prevent cramping but there is just as much proof against that theory as for it.  The true benefits of taking in electrolytes is that it assists in fluid balance and absorption.  The flavoring of these drinks is to make them more appealing.

I ran across Oral IV in a Facebook ad.  I wanted to see what it was all about and after reading the information and reviews online, I knew I wanted to see if it really worked.  I reached out to Oral IV and they sent me some samples to test.  The package showed up about 2 weeks before my marathon, so I had a great opportunity to put OralIV to the ultimate test.  I also had my running partner try it out.

Oral IV is different from your normal electrolyte tabs or drinks.  First of all, Oral IV comes in a little plastic vile with liquid inside.  Oral IV is made with a group of trace minerals including sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, manganese, selenium, copper, calcium, silicon and zinc.  These trace minerals make up a formula that activates your body’s hydration processes.  Oral IV is made from natural raw materials to avoid contamination and are biologically made so they do not have to be digested in order to be rapidly absorbed into your system.  The mineral absorb directly through your soft tissues in your mouth.  I know that this is a lot of technical information, so I will cut to the chase.

The Oral IV vial is small enough to keep in a pocket or water belt.  You simply twist off the plastic top and drink.  There is no flavor and no artificial ingredients, sugars, or stimulants which I really like.  I like to put the Oral IV in my mouth and mix it with a gulp of water.  The directions say you can take it before and after your workout and every 2 hours for longer trainings or races. 

I tried Oral IV twice before my marathon and during the marathon itself.  The effects that I felt include a reduced need for water and I felt like I recovered from these runs faster than normal.  I had my hydration backpack and did not drink as much water as I normally would have, but did not feel like it hurt me at all.  I think that is a direct result of taking Oral IV. 

Convenient small package (easy to take with you)
Decent price (for occasional use)
Sugar-free, stimulant-free, and artificial ingredient-free
Rapidly absorbed into your system
Helps maintain top performance
Decreases recovery time

A little pricey for everyday use

Oral IV’s Media Links:

I definitely see the benefits of taking Oral IV, especially in my summer races when I tend to sweat a lot.  It is vital to stay on top of hydration at these events and I will be taking Oral IV for sure.  It costs $12 for a 4–pack, $50 for a 25-pack, or $100 for a 50-pack.  While it may be pricey for everyday use, I think this is ideal for races and even your most grueling workouts.  I am really glad that I got to test out Oral IV and would definitely recommend it to my readers.

Note:  I received this product in exchange for a review.  The review is my personal opinion of the product and I was not required to give a particular opinion of it.  I am not a doctor, so please use all of the products that I review at your own risk.

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