If you are a new runner or have been
around the block a few times, you probably know that running brings out some
smells that you never thought would come out of your body. I have been cycling and working out at the gym
for over a decade and my clothes have never smelled like they do after a run. My wife and I call it the homeless smell.
The smell doesn’t actually come from
the sweat itself but from the bacterium that breaks down the sweat (a process
called bromhidrosis). Performance or
technical running gear is made to wick moisture and dry quickly, but those same
properties trap the oils and bacteria that smell so bad. Cotton tends to not trap those oils as
easily, but is terrible at moisture wicking and breathability.
I used to just wash my running gear
with my normal laundry. The problem is
that most detergents don’t remove the oils and bacteria that care causing the
smells. These oils reduce the
effectiveness of your expensive running clothes. There are a few
sport washes out there that can help. Nathan Sport Wash and WIN detergent are two of those washes. Today I will review the WIN detergent.
WIN detergent is formulated to break
the bond between the oils and the fabric so they come out smelling great. Not only will your clothes smell fresh, but by
removing that residue from your clothing, your clothes will breathe and wick
moisture better. They recommend washing
in warm water and tumble drying on low.
I always wash my gear in cold water because I don’t want them to shrink
but had no issues.
I received two bottles from WIN. The blue bottle is their original
high-performance sport wash and the green is the fragrance-free dye-free
version. Both versions worked great and
what I really liked about the original version is that my clothes smelled good
and weren’t overly fragrant like after I washed my clothes with Nathan’s Sport
Wash. I feel that the WIN detergents are
a superior product.
The bottles each have enough for 21
loads. If you like to run in clothes
that don’t smell like death, than pick up your bottle of WIN detergent at
Amazon or your local running store. The
32 ounce (21 wash) bottle sells for about $10.95 on Amazon. Not a bad price for great smelling clothes.
To find out more information go to www.windetergent.com.
Note: I received this product in exchange
for a review. The review is my personal opinion of the product and I was
not required to give a particular opinion of it. I am not a doctor, so please use all of the products
that I review at your own risk.